In the Liberec region

In the last century, many water and wetland biotopes disappeared in our landscape, mainly due to construction and land reclamation. This reduced the number of places that could provide suitable conditions for the life of many endangered species of plants and animals. The restoration of these locations is key not only for improving their living conditions, but also for the necessary retention of water in the landscape.


The project, supported by Norwegian funds, was aimed at creating new or restoring existing natural habitats to improve the conditions of at least 20 protected and endangered animal species from the so-called Red Lists. One of the goals was the creation of 77 new pools with a total area of approximately 15,500 m2 at five pre-selected locations, including the implementation of measures to support biodiversity. This goal was achieved. At the moment, we have submitted a request for support for the continuation of the project from the Interreg Czech – Saxony program so that we can devote ourselves to the preparation of the revitalization of other locations, and now also in cooperation with partner organizations from Saxony.


The creation of a new location, from the selection of suitable locations, through negotiations with the owners, preparation of projects, obtaining permits and subsidies to the actual implementation, usually takes several years. In this regard, we are building on the experience of the project's main partner, which is the NGO Čmelák SPP, which has many years of experience in negotiations with owners precisely for the purpose of revitalizing natural sites.


The first implemented site is the new wetlands Česká Ves, near Jablonné v Podještědí. In 2022, a system of 22 new pools was created here, underground and surface drainage was broken up and a new oasis full of life was transformed from an unused place overgrown with reeds, where wild boars were the main inhabitants. 

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We believe that every new pool that is created in the landscape has its own meaning for nature. However, we focus more on the complex restoration of selected locations, which is significantly more demanding in terms of time and money. We are therefore happy that, thanks to support from Norwegian funds, we have gained space to systematically work on the restoration of selected wetland biotopes in the territory of the Liberec region.

The project builds on the EU Biodiversity Strategy until 2030 and the Biodiversity Protection Strategy of the Czech Republic 2016–25.